No one in the America doubts the U.S. Declaration of Independence changed not only this country but sparked change all over Europe back into the late 1700’s and early 1800’s. But the cause for change was not found in the words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident.” The cause for change in America is found in the names at the end of the document.  These men were willing to stake their fortunes, their honor, and even their lives on their convictions to change the government in America. As a result, change occurred.

Jesus changed the world with a few who were willing to die for what they believed. He began with 12 men whom He chose to be with Him. But God’s plan for ministry is not limited to these 12 men. It also includes a larger group of believers, the multitudes of listeners and learners, men and women, who heard Jesus gladly. Some were more than curious inquirers who followed Him for only a few weeks. But others accepted His instruction and put it into practice, and they went out to change the world by changing the people.

God’s method for changing the “world around us” is still the same. It is still people. People willing to be counted on for change. People who are willing to stake their lives, fortunes, honor, and efforts to be used by God for change.  First, they changed themselves in Christ and then they let Christ use them to change the others around us.

Are you willing to be one who God will use for change? It doesn’t take great people to do great things, just dedicated ones! —Tom Davis